When you hear about cardiac arrest, your mind might immediately jump to emergency rooms and medical professionals rushing in. But what if you learned that a critical part of saving lives happens long before the ambulance arrives? In 2021, Pennsylvania reported a staggering 38,278 cases of sudden cardiac arrest, 38% of which were witnessed by a bystander.
That means that in those cases, there was someone nearby who could potentially provide assistance. This assistance is the chain of survival, which, when done right, can increase the chances of a victim surviving after cardiac arrest. So, if you need more help understanding CPR’s role in the chain of survival, keep on reading.
What is the Chain of Survival?
Everyone needs to know how CPR fits into the chain of survival, not just medical professionals. The chain of survival is a series of actions that, when performed in sequence, significantly increase the chances of survival following a cardiac arrest. It’s like a playbook for a life-and-death situation where every second counts.
This chain has six critical links, each meant to give the victim their best shot at survival:
- Recognizing a Cardiac Arrest and Calling 911. If you see someone suddenly collapse and they’re not breathing or seem to be gasping only, it’s time to act fast. These are the telltale signs of cardiac arrest. Your immediate action can even triple a victim’s chances of surviving SCA.
- Immediately Performing CPR. If you’ve never been trained in CPR, the idea might seem daunting, but it’s simpler than you think. After ensuring the scene is safe and sending someone to call 911, place the heel of one hand on the center of the person’s chest, place your other hand on top, and press hard and fast. You should aim to do 100 to 120 compressions per minute. These compressions keep the blood flowing to vital organs, buying precious time until professional help arrives.
- Using an AED. Defibrillation is a process that can restore a normal heart rhythm in cases of certain types of cardiac arrest. That is what Automated External Defibrillators are used for. You might have seen these devices mounted on walls in public spaces like airports, shopping malls, and gyms. Once you turn the AED on, the device provides you with step-by-step voice guidance. If it’s necessary, the AED will also administer a shock to the person in cardiac arrest.
- Advanced Medical Care. This is the point where paramedics and emergency medical technicians take over, using more advanced techniques to stabilize the patient. They have the tools and the training to provide what your Hands-Only CPR can’t – medications, airway management, and more sophisticated methods of supporting the heart and circulation. When done right, the transition from bystander CPR to professional medical intervention is seamless, illustrating the importance of each link in the chain working together.
- Post-cardiac Arrest Care. Once the immediate crisis is managed and the patient’s heart starts beating on its own again, we enter the post-cardiac arrest care phase. This stage is crucial because only 10% of victims survive sudden cardiac arrest even when they’re rushed to the hospital. They must be under constant medical supervision in a hospital setting, monitor for potential complications, and provide care tailored to the patient’s needs. That could include cooling the body to a certain temperature to reduce brain injury or using advanced imaging techniques to understand the cause of CA.
- Recovery Post-cardiac Arrest. Surviving a cardiac arrest is just the start of a long journey to recovery for many patients. It involves physical rehabilitation but also often includes addressing any psychological and cognitive issues. Patients play an active role in their recovery, working closely with specialists to regain strength, mobility, and independence. They must also change their lifestyle, improve their diet, stop smoking, and manage stress.
Overcoming Barriers to Performing CPR
Even knowing how important immediate CPR is, many people fear performing it, thinking they might do more harm than good. They worry about breaking ribs or not performing the technique correctly. However, you must understand that the risk of injury outweighs the potential to save a life.
Doing something is far better than doing nothing. If you’re afraid of legal ramifications, Pennsylvania has Good Samaritan laws that protect you. These laws are there to encourage people like you to help out during medical emergencies without the fear of being sued for unintentional injury. As long as you’re acting in good faith and within the scope of your knowledge, you have nothing to worry about.
Another obstacle people face in starting the chain of survival during cases of cardiac arrest is not knowing how to do CPR. Unfortunately, only 65% of American citizens know how to perform CPR. But you can fix this by attending CPR classes and getting your CPR certification. If you’re unsure about this idea, just know that you’re in good company, as the mayor of Pittsburgh recently joined a group of residents and learned to perform CPR in honor of 100 years of the American Heart Association.
How to Get Trained in CPR
Your first step is to find out where you can find CPR classes and get your certification. There are plenty of options available, so you’re not limited in choice. However, the key is to ensure that the class you choose is approved by reputable organizations, mainly the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross.
These two institutions are the gold standard in CPR training, setting the guidelines that ensure you get accurate, life-saving information and skills. Any reputable CPR provider will be alleged with their CPR curriculum.
Online vs. In-person Training
Now, when it comes to choosing the mode of training, you have two main options – online or in-person. Both have their benefits and drawbacks. Online training is more flexible, allowing you to learn at your own pace and on your own schedule. It’s ideal if your routine is packed or if you’re juggling multiple responsibilities, but it lacks hands-on experience.
In-person training provides you with the opportunity to practice techniques under the supervision of a certified instructor. During the training session, you’ll receive direct feedback, helping you to perfect your CPR technique. It requires you to attend on-site sessions at specific times and locations, which might not fit everyone’s lifestyle.
The Impact of CPR Training
By teaching more people how to perform CPR, we’re essentially equipping everyday folks with the power to save lives. This isn’t just about medical professionals or first responders; it’s about you, your friends, and your family.
With more individuals trained in CPR, the chances of survival for victims of cardiac arrest outside of hospitals increase. That means that in those critical moments following a cardiac arrest, having someone nearby who knows CPR and can start the chain of survival can save a victim’s life.
Be the Strongest Link
Understanding CPR’s role in the chain of survival is about recognizing how it can save lives when done immediately. CPR isn’t just a good skill to have; it’s a vital link in the chain of survival that anyone might need to activate at a moment’s notice.
Your decision to learn and perform CPR can potentially make a difference for a person who’s fighting for their life. So, take the step and get CPR training in Pittsburgh, PA. It’s straightforward, doesn’t take much of your time, and equips you with the power to save lives. In emergencies, your knowledge and quick action can set the wheels of survival in motion.